Spirit guides are of the spirit world and have a powerful ability to ground you in your own spirituality or help you discover it.
Having regular spiritual practices—like drawing an oracle card every morning for inspiration, taking a meditative yoga class once a week, or attending a spiritual gathering once a month with other people—will create more intimacy with your spirit guides.
Action step: Do something in the next few weeks, like a new moon or full moon ritual, to create more regular spiritual practices in your life.
You can also make a list of some of your most important spiritual beliefs. For example, you may have a strong belief that the soul lives on after the body dies, or feel closer to Spirit whenever you spend time in nature.
This may sound like the quickest and easiest way to connect to your spirit guides, but it really works. You can make a formal prayer or blessing, or you can simply tell them what you need in your thoughts with a brief sentence or two.
Action step: As soon as you finish reading this article, ask your spirit guides for help in your thoughts with something you've been worried about. Then also ask for help from a loved one, co-worker, expert, or health care professional. You deserve all the support you need!
Humans have been using divination tools to communicate with Spirit for as long as humans have been around. Oracle cards, tarot cards, runes...there are many divination tools. Try different methods and see what works best for you.
Action step: Before you work with your divination tool, take your cards or anything else in your hands and hold them for a minute, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then silently ask your spirit guides to send you a helpful, healing message through this tool.
If you're feeling disconnected from Spirit, don't worry. You have a connection to Spirit and always will. Your spirit guides are there, working on your behalf behind the scenes, whether you sense them or not. Sometimes it's during the most challenging times in our lives that we can feel disconnected from Spirit, yet this is when Spirit can and wants to help us more than ever.
When you're going through big changes, it can help ground you to feel connected to your spirituality and your spirit guides. Watch a documentary or movie with spiritual themes, listen to a podcast by a spiritual leader who resonates with you, or read an uplifting and inclusive book about spirituality for 20 minutes every night before bed.
Your spirit guides very much want to have a closer relationship with you. As you open up to and attempt more communication with them, you may be pleasantly surprised by how many messages you notice. Your spirit guides already send you so many messages.
In this blog post I share how to connect to your spirit guides by following 10 steps. I believe we all have spirit guides, and when you cultivate a relationship with your guides you will receive clear, wise guidance to help you in every area of your life.
It’s important to understand that, because a lot of people say, “I don’t hear my guides, I don’t know if they’re there, I don’t get support when I need it.” That is a reflection of disbelief and the active NOT allowing, which blocks the communication.
Your guides are always there. They are always supporting you. But they cannot come in unless you ask.
It’s said that we each have an angel on either side of us, and we also have guides — maybe a spirit who has been with us in lifetimes before, an ancestor who can support us, or someone we knew in our lifetime.
These are beings of the highest truth and compassion working on our behalf to guide our thoughts and energy back to love. They’re not physical and aren’t bound by the natural laws of this world. They’re spiritual beings.
We always have a relationship with these beings, but it’s up to us to decide whether we want to have a dialogue with them and let their presence be known.
These beings of light come in many forms and they have different purposes, but their common goal is to help guide us back into alignment with the love of the Universe.
Our spirit guides help guide us back into alignment with the love of the Universe. When you get stuck in a fear-based thought or pattern, you can turn to your guides to help lead you back to love. When you want to receive their guidance, all you have to do is be willing to surrender your fear and see with spiritual sight.
Spirit Companionsour spirit guides are here to give us love and light; the simple act of asking for help opens us up to receiving divine guidance
You can experience a spirit guide as an inner knowing. You may feel or sense your guide’s presence, or “hear” a voice within, like a strong intuition or realization. Some people audibly hear (or see) their guides.
Sparks of light are another indicator of a spirit guide’s presence. Sometimes when I know my guides are with me, I see little sparks of light. It’s so cool to see that light and know there’s a presence with me at that moment!
My Zen den in my former NYC office was filled with their presence — I have a friend whose young daughter liked to go up there because she said that’s where the fairies were (little kids are very much connected to their guides still because they haven’t created the barrier of disbelief that blocks them from that connection).
When books fall off the shelf, your spirit guides are the ones who are kicking them off for you! I can’t tell you how many people have written to me or spoken to me at an event and said they discovered my book because it literally fell off the shelf in front of them. You can experience this kind of guidance! It is available to you.
Another way you can experience the presence of a spirit guide is through writing. You can call on your spirit guides through meditation, and following your meditation you can free-write and allow the voice of your guides to work through you.
Connecting to your spirit guides is about learning to rely on the voice of love. The reason these guides are here is to constantly bridge your thoughts from fear back to faith, forgiveness, love and light. They present you with creative solutions and beautiful opportunities.
Connecting to your spirit guides is about learning to rely on the voice of love. The reason these guides are here is to constantly bridge your thoughts from fear back to faith, forgiveness, love and light. They present you with creative solutions and beautiful opportunities.
Since I was very young, I’ve felt a presence of spiritual guidance within me, around me and connected to me.
In my book Super Attractor, I open up about spirit guides in a way I never had before. I’d written about Universal guidance and God, but until I sat down to write this book, I’d always held myself back from sharing about the presence of my nonphysical guides.
For many years I was always worried I might freak people out or make someone feel like they had to share my beliefs. But when writing Super Attractor, I felt called to push the metaphysical envelope and speak openly and unapologetically about the spiritual realm. I knew the world was becoming ready to open up to new forms of guidance.
When we become willing to see a world beyond our physical sight, then life becomes easier, we feel safer and we can access our true power.
I’ve grown to rely on these nonphysical guides in every area of my life. There have been countless moments in my life when I’ve witnessed the divine intervention of my guides.
When we forget that we can call on spirit for help, we start to rely on our strength. That’s when fear sets in.
We often forget that we have guidance within us and around us. In the busyness of day-to-day life, it’s really easy to forget this connection.
Make a list of the 5 to 10 biggest things you need help with. You can do this now, or you can come back to this exercise after aligning with your inner wisdom through prayer or meditation.
Once you make this list, your next step is to offer up everything you need help with and invite your spirit guides to reveal solutions.
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